fact sheet
MBARI, Ocean Vision AI
Moss Landing, California
&ranj Serious Games
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Release Date
May 1, 2024
Cozy sci-non-fi: FathomVerse shares awe-inspiring ocean animals with casual gamers. This is a mobile game designed to inspire a new wave of ocean explorers while improving the artificial intelligence researchers use for discovery of ocean life.

Play minigames to interact with real imagery collected by researchers and discover real ocean animals.
Hone your skills and learn how to identify nearly 50 groups of ocean animals.
Save your favorite images and curate a personal gallery.
Unlock awards to expand your knowledge of ocean animals and dive deep in how gameplay is used for improving artificial intelligence.
Cycle through the Ocean Radio channels to shift the FathomVerse soundscape as you play.
Be among the first to view ocean imagery and discover new species.

FathomVerse seeks to transform ocean exploration by engaging a community of passionate ocean enthusiasts to work alongside researchers. Scientists estimate that anywhere from 30-60% of life in the ocean is still unknown to science. Filling that knowledge gap is vital if we want to understand how all ocean ecosystems are being impacted by climate change. With advances in imaging and AI technology, we can capture images of the ocean and quickly analyze them. However, AI needs people to continuously train and verify the models. That's where FathomVerse comes in.
Ocean Vision AI teamed up with game design experts, including &ranj Serious Games and Internet of Elephants to develop a unique mobile game that allows anyone with a smartphone or tablet to take part in ocean exploration and assist the whole ocean community in the quest to understand marine ecosystems.


Splash Screen

fathomverse credits
We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their contributions to FathomVerse:
Monterey Bay Aquarium
CVision AI
&ranj Serious Games
Internet of Elephants
Barderry Applied Research LLC
Dingo Sky LLC
National Science Foundation
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Schmidt Marine Technology Partners, a program of the Schmidt Family Foundation
Animal icons: Kurtis Wothe and other Phylopic contributors*
Animated logos: Kurtis Wothe
Audio channels: Hydrophone - John Ryan, MBARI, Ocean Soundscape Team; Deep Sea Aquarium - Monterey Bay Aquarium, Into the Deep / En lo Profundo Exhibit
Award images and video clips: MBARI’s Video Lab
Labeled data: FathomNet contributors
Mission briefing images: MBARI’s Video Lab
Unlabeled data: NOAA-OER, Schmidt Ocean Institute, MBARI
Beta testers: Eric Albert, Laura Anderson, Kelsey Archer Barnhill, Megan Barry, Sean W Brown, Allen Cheng, Riley Choi, Christina Des Rochers, Caroline Edmonds, Gisselle Farfán-Magaña, Katherine Farfán-Magaña, Tennyson Filcek, Davina Gifford, Alexander Graber, Micaela Johnson, Pat Lee, Caitlyn Left, Alex Magaña, Vikram Mohanty, Christopher Nolan, Golnoush Pak, Lydia Rysavy, Heather Scott, Zuriel Silva, Aeryn Siu Lee, Gail Siu Lee, James Siu Lee, Josiah Terpstra, Georgia Watson, Dane Whicker, Belinda Zhao
We are grateful for the contributions provided by the Science, Engineering, and Operations groups that work in partnership at various institutions for generating the imagery shown in FathomVerse.
FathomVerse is a contribution of MBARI’s Bioinspiration Lab and the Ocean Vision AI program.
*Lauren Sumner-Rooney, Guillaume Dera, Felix Vaux, Kanchi Nanjo, Christoph Schomburg, Mario Quevedo, Levi Simons, T Michael Keesey, Nathan Hermann, Steven Haddock, JR Winnikoff, Becky Barnes, Prespa Research Group, AH Baldwin, Ferran Sayol, Séverine Martini, Ludwik Gasiorowski